Chalk Talk
Before trail, the hare(s), will lay a series of chalk marks that guide the hounds along trail. There are several standard marks that most kennels use throughout the US and the world. There are also more regional marks and a few Tornado Alley original marks (well, as far as we're concerned they're originals.) It's important to listen to the hares when they're giving chalk talk because sometimes those tricksy hares will lay unconventional marks to throw the hounds off the trail. Some things you'll hear on trail: RU?: This is shouted at hounds searching for trail and means "Are you on trail?" Two short whistles: This is a response to "RU?" indicating that you're on trail. On-On!: This also means you're on trail but that you've forgotten your f*cking whistle. Circle
After trail, the hounds gather in a circle, or a close approximation of a circle, in order drink for their crimes on trail. These crimes include things like being the front r*nning b*tch or bastard to complete trail. Or being dead f*cking last in completing trail. Birthday month? You're drinking! Lose personal property on trail? You're drinking! Have the nerve to point with your finger (digitize) on trail? Drink! Use a hasher's given name? Drink!! Well, you get the idea. Trail crimes are pretty much whatever the RA (person leading circle) determines is worthy of a drink that day. Think you're not guilty? You are. No one has ever won when the RA declares a "Trial by Gravity" so you're best to just drink before you get in circle 3 times in a row and receive a dead bug. |
What is Shiggy?
Level 1: In-town trail over streets, sidewalks, stairs, city parks, etc. Level 2: Urban or parks, with some off-road, but no significant mud or water. Ready-made paths or low grass for most of the trail. Level 3: Some ready-made paths but also some trailblazing through wooded areas and maybe some splashing through shallow water or mud. Level 4: Mostly wooded trailblazing and/or swamp or water crossings that could be as high as an average person's knees. Swamp can range from murky black water to shoe-sucking mud. Could include crawling through dense or thorny underbrush and obstacles such as fences, walls and mud. Level 5: Anything goes. Could include dense underbrush, briars/thorns, obstacles, shoe-sucking thigh-high mud and water crossing that you have to swim. In Level-5 shiggy, you should have a trail buddy with you at all times. |