A nice mid-week hash hared by TAH3's own, Sir Dip, which means there were too many intersections. The hash started and ended at Jersey's Bar and Grill but took the hounds near the mecca of necta...the beer distributor. Sorry, hashers...no beer for you. Lots of interesting things were found and one lesson learned...do not eat gravy found on trail. Circle was an exciting time with a round of dead bugs. My advice to Puff; If you show up to a hash, just bring your raincoat because you are getting doused in beer. Dip has a spreadsheet and he isn't afraid to use it. It was a special occasion as Bdub tied the knot with his 100th hash. Get a life, get a life, get a life, life, life. TAH3 also completed a naming of a former noname. Welcome to a questionable life, BOB FM! ONON Hare- “Sir” Dip Hounds- AnyThingGoes ButtHole CIA NBA nnBre nnRobin (BOB FM BentOverButtFuckMachine) Puff Tina
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TAH3 was blessed to have an out of towner co-hare with one of it's own. It was proof that, no matter where you're from, you lay a shitty trail. The location of this hash was the Sedgwick County Swamp, formerly known as SG County Park. The ground was moist with recent, heavy rains and the tears of unsuspecting bystanders. It was a disappointingly shiggy-free trail but had exquisite flour markings. Having the Beer-Near halfway up the side of a large hill, almost discouraged the hounds from partaking. Circle was completed on a solid, dry slab of concrete. It didn't stay dry for long as a series of dead bugs, flying dead bugs, and a towering dead bug quickly saturated the ground with golden nectar that was not quite on target. Anything to clear Dip's spreadsheet. It is worth mentioning here that TAH3 respects the law and only 3.2% beer was consumed during this hash. ONON Hares- LittleRedDipShit & Josting4Tampons (Dallas) Hounds: ButtHer Sir Dip Hobo NBA Pquad Tina Wet PF ![]() 5/21/2015, #1373 Hares NBA, Tina, WetPussyFlassher Hounds > AnythingGoes > BoatHousePussy > ButtHoleWhisper > CIA > Dip > DipShit > nnElanor > nnJessie > Pinga > Puff > TomSuckIt The inaugural hash under new mismanagement couldn't have started any better, the end however... Not so much. TAH3 celebrated the end of the school year the only way we know how, by drinking of the nectar and hashing through old Town dressed as naughty school girls. As usual Puff was late, but made it for chalk talk. Fortunately for him it was late, which was a prelude to how the three hares laid trail. I'm recommending three new renames... Sleepy, Dopey, and Doc. These three are responsible for educating our youth for gods sake. There was a beer near at Rain. For $2, they served you turpentine in a martini glass. I hope everyone remembered to hold their pinkies out. The highlight of the evening was Sir Dip's life-like breasts that gave this writer mixed feelings about himself. Butthole Whisperer completed his first circle as newly erected RA and to celebrate, he decided to have it last for three hours. At least I think it ended... It may still be going on. On-On |
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